Roxanne Steed Fine Art & Workshops

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Night Skies and Fireflies - easy practice techniques

Opaque watercolors 'floated' on top of transparent layers can make such a dreamy 'veiled' surface. But you don't want to 'scrub' it on or you'll lift that bottom layer and make 'mud'. I’ve made a tiny tutorial for you. Here's the visual on how to make that cerulean blue (in this case) float on top of the Indigo with a fun exercise in making a night time sky - and little fireflies added in for fun!

Summer is the perfect time for simple exercises to improve our skill set and learn to manipulate those paints. Keep these small and quick means you get through the learning curve that much quicker - and you develop ideas for bigger projects! Click on the image below to go straight to my Youtube channel and this 15 minute real-time video. Happy painting! Yes, you may ask questions in the comments below!